

Always intrigued by the human being as a whole and with a desire to help people, Mélanie began her studies with physiotherapy and massage therapy. It was when she discovered osteopathy that she really felt it would be her path. She began her undergraduate studies in osteopathy at the Collège d’études ostéopathiques in 2012 and completed her graduate studies at the Centre Ostéopathique du Québec in 2018.

She enjoys listening to her clients, both on a relational and physical level. Establishing a relationship of trust, non-judgment and openness is paramount for her, since, for her, osteopathy goes beyond direct techniques on the physical body.

Mélanie works with the biodynamic approach to osteopathy. She discovered this branch of osteopathy during training in Bordeaux. Biodynamic touch is gentle and light, but not without power. A non-invasive touch that respects the rhythm and tissues of each individual, which she applies to a clientele of all ages with a variety of problems.

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