Adapted Transportation Evaluation


The goal of this service is to determine a person’s fitness to drive a motor vehicle, help them to develop their driving capacity and to assess the need for vehicle adaptation for driving and / or accessing the vehicle.

  • Assessment of physical and mental fitness to drive a passenger vehicle (classe 5):
    • In-clinic assessment of physical and mental fitness required for driving a motor vehicle
    • Road assessment accompanied by an occupational therapist and an accredited driving school instructor
    • Motor vehicle adaptations are used, as needed
  • Development of physical and / or mental abilities to drive a motor vehicle
  • Evaluation and recommendations regarding the need for motor vehicle adaptations:
    • Assess the client’s (driver or passenger) global ability to safely access their motor vehicle
  • Training of the client with respect to the new motor vehicle adaptations in collaboration with the supplier of the specialized equipment and driving school if necessary.